Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Prioritizing road safety in Botswana

Thus road traffic authorities have placed a strong emphasis on making roads safer for pedestrians, and particularly for children, who account for almost a quarter of road accident casualties

To improve road safety and reduce the risk of road traffic injuries and deaths, Botswana is implementing a range of measures from widespread public education programmes to enforcing stricter traffic laws that have begun paying off. One of the most significant outcomes is the reduction of the legal blood alcohol…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Africa: WHO urges strong COVID-19 safety measures as African countries to resume air travel

While open borders are vital for the free flow of goods and people, initial analysis by WHO found that lockdowns along with public health measures reduced the spread of COVID-19

As African countries begin to reopen borders and air spaces, it is crucial that governments take effective measures to mitigate the risk of a surge in infections due to the resumption of commercial flights and airport operations. Many African governments acted swiftly, implementing confinement and travel restrictions in the early…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Benin: Airport testing expands Benin’s COVID-19 detection

Arriving passengers are systematically tested in one of the 20 booths using a rapid diagnostic as well as polymerase chain reaction test

Benin has set up a COVID-19 testing centre at the main airport in the capital Cotonou to boost early detection and containment of the virus. Unlike many countries in the region, Benin’s airspace has remained open since the outbreak began. Land borders were shut, however. Arriving passengers are systematically tested…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Africa: COVID-19 could deepen food insecurity, malnutrition in Africa

COVID-19 is exacerbating food shortages, as food imports, transportation and agricultural production have all been hampered

The World Health Organization (WHO) today expressed concern at the potential impact of COVID-19 on food security, which is likely to exacerbate the already considerable burden of malnutrition in Africa. The impact of the disease is expected to be greater among those grappling with food scarcity and malnutrition, while widespread…