Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Africa: World Health Organization (WHO) concerned over COVID-19 impact on women, girls in Africa

Women are disproportionately affected by lockdowns and this is resulting in a reduced access to health services

Humanitarian crises, including health emergencies affect men and women differently. As COVID-19 continues to spread in Africa, there are concerns over its impact on women and girls, with vulnerabilities feared to worsen as the pandemic overwhelms health systems. Although overall in the African Region, women account for around 40% of…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Africa records over 200,000 COVID-19 cases

Ten out of 54 countries are currently driving the rise in numbers, accounting for nearly 80% of all the cases

COVID-19 continues to spread in Africa since the virus was first detected on the continent in mid-February 2020. More than 200 000 cases have been confirmed so far, with more than 5600 deaths. The pandemic is accelerating – it took 98 days to reach 100 000 cases and only 18…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Africa: Reinforcing emergency response against COVID-19 in Africa

Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) are groups of health care professionals such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics that provide direct clinical care in the wake of disasters

In an expanded pool of expertise, the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting several African countries to coordinate the work of external emergency medical teams deployed to support the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) are groups of health care professionals such as doctors,…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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    • WHO Representative to Namibia, Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses handing over the COVID-19 medical supplies to the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Coronavirus - Namibia: WHO supports supplies for front line health workers

Health care workers are at the front line of the COVID-19 outbreak response and as such are exposed to hazards that put them at risk of infection

The first United Nations ‘Solidarity’ flight started delivering vital medical supplies from last week to all countries in Africa where these are needed the most.  The flight was facilitated by the World Food Programme and included WHO supported supplies of face shields, gloves, goggles, gowns, masks, medical aprons and thermometers. Supplies for…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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    • South African Development Community unites to tackle COVID-19
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

South African Development Community unites to tackle COVID-19

Ten of the sixteen SADC Member States also agreed to share information on the COVID-19 outbreak

Ministers of Health from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) this week agreed to harmonize and coordinate their efforts to respond to COVID-19 in the region. South Africa – a member of the SADC – confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on 5th March, the first country and so far only…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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    • Blandine Kazade: The nurse who saved a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Blandine Kazade: The nurse who saved a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Of the 162 health workers infected since the start of this tenth outbreak in August 2018, 65 died; 63%, or 102 of them, were nurses

In the Ebola epidemiological zones in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, health care workers must stay alert, vigilant and careful. An Ebola infection could find them before they realize it is circulating within a patient who just came for treatment. Of the 162 health workers infected since the start…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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    • Dr Clement Peter (OiC) making in Speech at the Validation event
    • L-R Dr Ongom Moses (WHO HSS Cluster TL)_OiC_Directors for Federal Ministry of Health
    • A cross section of participants at the validation event
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

WHO collaborates with Nigerian Government to update the country health workforce profile

Validating the Nigeria Health Workforce Profile 2018 provides the national health workforce information needed for planning and it is a crucial milestone in the health sector

The Department of Health Planning, Research and Statistics of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) in collaboration with The World Health Organization(WHO) has successfully updated and validated Nigeria’s health workforce profile from 2012 to 2018 with funding from the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada (GAC) under the “Enhancing…