Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Eritrea Observed World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2024

This year’s theme is “Yes, we can end TB,” highlighting the need to ensure equitable access to prevention and care

World TB Day was commemorated on 24 March 2024 at Orotta Conference Hall in Asmara, capital city of Eritrea. This year’s theme is “Yes, we can end TB,” highlighting the need to ensure equitable access to prevention and care, in line with our drive towards the elimination of TB disease.…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

First Regional Rehabilitation Meeting for Africa: Advancing Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology in the Africa Region

Hosted by the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia, the meeting brought together leaders from ministries of health and healthcare professionals from nineteen African nations

The first Regional Rehabilitation Meeting for Africa took place from November 21st to November 23rd, 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hosted by the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia, the meeting brought together leaders from ministries of health and healthcare professionals from nineteen African nations. Organized by the World Health Organization…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Transitioning from Buruli ulcer polymerase chain reaction laboratories (BU-LABNET) to skin-related neglected tropical diseases (NTD) LABNET

Fifth annual meeting adopts recommendation marking pivotal milestone in efforts to address skin-related neglected tropical diseases

The network of Buruli ulcer PCR laboratories (BU-LABNET) in the WHO African Region concluded its fifth annual meeting held at the esteemed Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research in Accra, Ghana on 23–25 October 2023. This meeting marked a pivotal milestone in the fight against Buruli ulcer and other skin-related…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

First World Health Organization (WHO) tri-regional health leadership training gets underway

The 30 October to 2 November 2023 training in Istanbul, spearheaded by the WHO O Regional Office for Africa, brings diverse experts from across the African, Eastern Mediterranean and European regional offices with a shared mission on strengthening health leadership

In a first of its kind, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa’s Pathways to Leadership for Health Transformation Programme this week gathered experts from three of the Organization’s regional offices to equip them with crucial skills on health leadership to help bolster individual and organizational efforts towards…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

African health ministers kick off region’s flagship health meeting

The meeting will focus on a range of strategies to bolster health systems, enhance readiness and response to health emergencies

African health ministers and government representatives today opened the Seventy-third session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa to discuss and agree on key measures to address the region’s health challenges, advance and promote good health and well-being. The annual gathering – WHO Africa’s highest decision-making body…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Launch of a Regional Initiative to Tackle Climate Change-related Health Challenges for Africa

The participating countries will strengthen multisectoral collaboration and coordination among relevant sectors to enhance the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures aimed at reducing climate-related health risks

At the Seventy-sixthWorld Health Assembly, African governments represented by Ministers of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa (WHO) and Amref Health Africa have launched a regional initiative to tackle health impacts of climate change in Africa. This is an effort to harness the…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

World Health Organization (WHO) 75th Anniversary: Eswatini Commits to the WHO Agenda of Improving Health for the People of Eswatini

In his keynote address, the PM said the Kingdom of Eswatini is proud of the public health successes that have improved the quality of life during the last seven decades

The government of the Kingdom of Eswatini and development partners have congratulated the World Health Organization on its 75th anniversary, and further committed to the agenda of HEALTH FOR ALL. Speaking during a high-level event to commemorate World Health Day and WHO’s 75th anniversary in Manzini City on 13 April…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Reversing Suicide, Mental Health Crisis in Africa

Around 11 people per 100 000 per year die by suicide in the African region, higher than the global average of nine per 100 000 people

World Health Organization (WHO) today launched a campaign to raise awareness and spur action for suicide prevention in the African region, which has the world’s highest rates of death by suicide. Around 11 people per 100 000 per year die by suicide in the African region, higher than the global…

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

World Health Organization (WHO) Malawi Country Office holds a 2022 Staff Retreat

During the retreat, staff were updated on WHO’s Transformation Agenda

The World Health Organization (WHO) Malawi Country Office’s (WCO) team of 64 staff members converged in the lakeshore district of Mangochi from 10 to 15 August 2022 for a staff retreat. The main aim of the retreat was to review their performances since the beginning of the year with a…

WHO Regional Office for Africa
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Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa |

Africa’s top health forum opens to tackle major challenges

Ministers of health and delegates at the Regional Committee will discuss and endorse key strategies and launch campaigns on disease prevention

The President of the Republic of Togo, H.E President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé opened the Seventy-second session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa with African health ministers and government representatives in attendance. The region’s foremost public health gathering held annually will discuss and agree on measures to…